Fitzgibbon said the agriculturalcooperative Murray Goulburn's board was responsible for the current dairy crisis.
The court also convicted some other companies and individuals, including French agriculturalcooperative Union Invivo, of providing or facilitating bribes.
Land O'Lakes - an American food and agriculturalcooperative - only joined in March last year to sell skim milk powder.
Its main shareholder, French agriculturalcooperative Terrena, decided to seek buyers after Doux lost around 35 million euros in each of the past two years.
She is a Fulbright Scholar studying agriculturalcooperatives in Ecuador.
The farmers' co-op comes to ask for help in raising more capital.
The bank, the farmers' co-op and McKenzie's bakery all closed within a year, with the loss of over forty jobs.
Uso de producers' co-op en inglés
She's the farmer who grew them; when you swiped the barcode, you logged onto her page on the website run by a local producers' co-op.